Welcome to Core-iQ!
In this document, you’ll find the necessary information to start using Core-iQ. This is a short walkthrough of the core features with links for more in-depth instructions.
How to access it?
- Open the URL
- Log in with your credentials
Core-iQ Home page
After successful login, you'll be redirected to the Home page:
Core-iQ Home page with two Core-iQ bundles shown: CAD – Graphic Bundle and SPSS Bundle
The home page may look slightly different depending on the applications available in the bundle your organization is using.
Below the catalog of apps, there are 3 useful links to the resources on the Core-iQ support portal.
Working with apps in Core-iQ portal
Start working by selecting one of the apps from the catalog.
Note: depending on the connection speed and the portal setup, it will take up to 2 minutes for the app to start. This is expected in most cases. You can preview the time remaining on the screen while the timer is counting.
Starting Core-iQ session
At the top of the page in the header, you'll see 7 Core-iQ features described below. Everything below this line is a working surface where apps will be shown. Your experience with apps is the same as they're installed on your device locally.
Notepad in Core-iQ
SPSS in Core-iQ
Application catalog
- Select the app: Click on the icon on the left and select the app you would like to work with.
- Switch between the apps from the navigation menu in the header at the top of the screen (see screenshot below).
- You can work with more than one app simultaneously.
Core-iQ navigation menu: Applications
Preview apps opened
- You can preview and select applications currently open by selecting in the menu second item from the left.
Core-iQ portal with 3 applications opened
- The third item in the menu is My Files. This is your dedicated storage in the sessions. It's personal and visible only to you. Nobody from your organization doesn't have the access to your work in this storage. Applications in the Core-iQ portal need a link between the portal and your device. That’s the reason why files need to be uploaded to the session.
- Storage has a Home folder and Temporary files folder.
- If you know you'll work with a particular file just in the current session use folder Temporary files. This is not long-term storage, so you're asked to save your work before the session ends. After the session ends, all files from this folder will be removed.
- The home folder is permanent storage you can use when working in Core-iQ portal. Every time you start a new session, the work you have previously saved will be in this folder.
My Files folder structure: Home folder and Temporary files
- Organize files into folders in your storage: you can reorganize folders and upload files from your local device with Add Folder and Upload files buttons (shown on the screenshot below).
My Files: upload option from local device
- Use File Explorer (from the catalog of apps) to remove files from your storage. See more details here.
- If additional cloud storage has been enabled for your organization, you may decide to use only this option. Eather way storage remains at your disposal in all your Core-iQ sessions. Find more about additional cloud storage options in this article.
📝 Learn more on how to start working with files:
Important notice ⚠️ before you end the session or go on a break save your work. You'll be notified before the session ends:
Info message for unsaved work
A session will be closed after a certain period of inactivity (most likely 15 minutes). Remember to save your work before going on a break.
Copy and paste
- Applications in the Core-iQ portal need a link between the portal and your device. That’s the reason why option to Copy to local device and paste to remote session needs to be used (see screenshot below)
- Use this feature when you need to copy from your local device to the file you're working with in a Core-iQ portal.
Working with files options
- In Core-iQ applications are preconfigured for you. However, Settings give your opportunity for personalization.
- With Settings option you can change several things:
- enable microphone,
- streaming mode,
- screen resolution and
- regional settings.
Core-iQ menu: Settings option
- Enable microphone - allows you to enable audio input in a streaming session
- Streaming mode provides the user to decide how to optimize Core-iQ portal. Best responsiveness provides the most fluid experience (SPSS Bundle) and Best quality should be the option for software more demanding in graphical sense (CAD - Graphics Bundle).
- Screen resolution allows the user to select the size in which COR is displayed on the device. Since users can switch between different devices, the recommended option is to match the local display. This way COR will be optimized for the device user is on (especially convenient when working on a computer and tablet for example).
- Regional settings provide different options for language, time zone, and input method customization. Settings are saved for all future sessions.
Time zone — Determines the system time used during streaming and any applications you may use
Locale (also known as culture) — Determines how numbers, currency, time, and dates are displayed in the session. COR supports the following locales: Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Thai.
Input method — Determines the keystroke combinations that can be used to input characters in another language.
Full-screen option
- An additional option for a better user experience is full screen (the first item from the right in the menu).
Ending your session in Core-iQ portal
- There are 2 ways for the session to be ended.
- You can end the session manually
- Session automatically closes after a certain period of inactivity
- You can end a session by clicking X button on the application or log out from the dropdown list in the upper right corner.
Ending a session in Core-iQ
- A session will be closed after a certain period of inactivity (for most organizations this is set to 15 minutes). Remember to save your work before going on a break.
Any additional questions?
If you have any questions related to Core-iQ portal, feel free to submit a ticket or read more articles.
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