1. What are storage options in Core-iQ for me as a user?
- Cloud storage and additional options: OneDrive or Google Drive can be used if they're enabled for your organization.
- Read more in this article.
2. Can I continue working on the uploaded file?
- If you have your file in the Home folder, all your files will be there every time you start the streaming session.
- Remember to move your files from the Temporary to the Home folder in order to save your work the next time you start the streaming session.
- If you have linked your OneDrive or/and Google Drive
3. How much space do I have?
- For the cloud storage (Home and Temporary folders) - between 50 and 150GB.
- For OneDrive and Google Drive - depending on the license with Microsoft/Google, often it's 1TB per user.
4. What is the difference between the options: cloud storage and the OneDrive or Google Drive?
- The cloud storage is personal storage that appears as Home Folder in the Core-iQ portal. Observe it as a space on your computer with the difference you're using cloud (virtual) computer and storage it has.
- OneDrive and/or Google Drive are other storage options you might use. For more convenience, you can link your account(s) with Core-iQ and access files easily and quickly.
5. Is it possible to have windows side by side / two screens?
- Yes, you can have more than 1 window opened. Read more: https://corsupport.crayon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016477399-How-to-preview-more-than-1-window-in-SPSS-
6. Can I copy and paste between Core-iQ portal and my local computer?
- Yes, there are a couple of options here:
- Using Chrome as your browser, you can copy and paste text directly in your browser.
Using the "Clipboard tool" in the menu, you can copy and paste text
- To copy and paste more than text you need to upload/download it as a file through the storage interface or use OneDrive to transfer the files.
- Find more in this article.
7. Can we share files between users?
- Sharing files between users is done through OneDrive/Google Drive - all folders and files that are shared with you through OneDrive/Google Drive will be accessible in Core-iQ. If a lecturer shares a folder with his students, they will all be able to access the files directly in Core-iQ.
8. What is the benefit for the user if OneDrive and/or Google Drive accounts are linked?
- Open and edit files and folders stored in the cloud storage. Other users cannot access this content unless the user decides to share it.
- Upload and download files between the local computer and cloud storage. Any changes made to files and folders in cloud storage during a streaming session are backed up and synchronized automatically. They are available when the user signs in to a cloud storage account and access cloud storage outside of the streaming session.
- When working in an application, users can access and save files and folders stored in cloud storage.
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